
Resources for Anxious Times

Hello friends,

This week has been shocking. I always wonder what kids are thinking and how they are processing the things they may be hearing about or seeing on the news.

Recently on Twitter, someone I follow asked, "What is the first news story you remember from childhood?" My first big "news memory" was the Challenger explosion--I was six years old and I still remember the feeling of the world suddenly feeling darker and less safe. I also felt the weight of the world's collective sorrow. So I know many of our littles are having big feelings this week, even if they don’t understand details.

I am praying for you as you may be having difficult conversations with your children. Here are just a couple of things I hope can help.

Here is a "Story Time with Miss Flo" video about worry and prayer (I do not address the specific events of the week) featuring The Lord's Prayer illustrated by Tim Ladwig. Whenever I don't know what to pray, the Lord's Prayer feels like enough.

This is a video by spiritual director Lacy Finn Borgo for when you are having big feelings. This is from May, but it definitely still applies.

May the perfect peace of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit settle deep down in your hearts tonight,
