The Order of Berrigan and Day
“To change the hearts and minds of men. To give them vision—the vision of a society where it is easier for men to be good.”
— Peter Maurin (co-founder of The Catholic Worker and friend of Dorothy Day)
The Order of Berrigan and Day will officially begin on May 1, 2025–the 92nd anniversary of the founding of The Catholic Worker. The Order will be a shared way of life committed to welcoming, listening, and co-laboring as we seek creative non-violence and non-capitalistic communion for the life of the world based in the lives and work of Daniel Berrigan, SJ and Dorothy Day.
The Order is rooted in Jesuit and Quaker spirituality with the invitation for those of any faith—or no faith—to participate. Members are committed to spend either fifteen minutes a day in silence or to contemplate the Ignatian Examen for fifteen minutes.
Before May, you’re invited to make these commitments along with the community at St. Mary’s during Lent.
Vows of Welcoming, Listening, and Co-Laboring.
To welcome anyone seeking connection.
Practice: Make at least one hospitable invitation a day. Receive welcome at least once a day.
To listen to anyone seeking connection and to yourself.
Practice: 15 minutes of silence or The Examen daily.
To work with anyone seeking justice and peace.
Practice: Join others in work rather than beginning new endeavors. Learn about who has already been doing the work you are called to do. Plant at least one vegetable, fruit, plant, or tree with someone else at least once a year.*
The Berrigan and Day Fund (linked here: select the fund from the dropdown menu) exists for all funds given to go directly to works of mercy:
To feed the hungry.
To give water to the thirsty.
To clothe the naked.
To shelter the homeless.
To visit the sick.
To visit the imprisoned, or ransom the captive.
To bury the dead
I’m convinced living this way can be a bridge to making it easier for people to cultivate goodness of character and action in the world. I hope you’ll join me.
*Why not go ahead and do this one during spring?
Image is “Seven Works of Mercy,” from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.
Recommended Books
Unruly Saint by DL Mayfield
The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day,
Uncommon Prayer: A Book of Psalms by Daniel Berrigan,
To Dwell in Peace by Daniel Berrigan.