“Truly I tell you, wherever this good news is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her.”
St. Mary of Bethany
Saint Mary of Bethany was often found at the feet of Christ—in contented stillness (Luke 10:38-42), in grief and rage at her brother’s death (John 11:31-35), and in daring worship (John 12:1-7). Our community is greatly inspired by her open-heartedness in these three stories, and our shared life is shaped by our desire to follow her lead.
The Town of Bethany
We also find abiding significance in the town of Bethany, which is located just under two miles from Jerusalem, sitting between the city and the wilderness. The name Bethany has been interpreted to mean “house of the poor,” “house of suffering,” and “house of affliction.” Bethany was known for its care of lepers and those with other diseases, as well as orphans, widows, and the dying. We are captivated by the story of Mary anointing Jesus as king and messiah in the home of a leper in a community known for its poor and afflicted (John 12:1-7).
With all these elements in mind, St. Mary of Bethany Parish longs to be a family committed to a posture that is restful, thoughtful, beautiful, hopeful, and playful.
St. Mary’s is not a busy church. Our worship is contemplative and quiet.
We are deeply committed to orthodox Christianity and humbly open to seeing those truths through ancient and current lenses. We are a conversational church where people are encouraged to discuss their points of view in a safe environment.
Visual, musical, and literary works of art are commonly used and cherished in our worship together.
We are rooted in the conviction that history is moving to a place where heaven and earth will be made one and every wrong will be made right.
Even as we sow with tears, we believe that we will reap with songs of joy (Psalm 126). We are fond of the surprise and delight to be found in the promises of God, and we find that we are familiar with joy and sorrow alike.
What we believe
Our worship and life together is grounded in the Nicene, Apostles’, and Athanasian Creeds. Click here to read them.
With roots in the Anglican/Episcopal tradition, we also profess these 39 Articles of Religion.