
Advent and Holy Family Art

Hi, St. Mary's,

Earlier today, I read a great article by Dr. Henry Zonio about the lack of representation in popular depictions of the Holy Family (especially in children's materials) and how including non-white representations of Jesus' family is an important way of welcoming everyone into Advent. I remembered some art I had shared last year and thought I would pass it along to you again.

Madonna and Child by Saincilus Ismael

Black Madonna by Katherine Skaggs

Cheyenne Virgin and Child and The Holy Family by Fr. John Giuliani

José y Maria by Everett Patterson

Holy Family for Elijah by Laura Balmaceda

Sunshine Mother and Child by Shijun Munns

Refugees the Holy Family, The Holy Family of the Streets, and Refugees: La Sagrada Familia by Kelly Latimore

