Resources on Race for Children

Hi all,

I'm writing today's email with a bit of sadness thinking about how pre-Covid, I had planned on hosting an end-of-year celebration. I'd imagined laying out our Godly Play materials in the lobby so that everyone could see what we had been learning about all year. I'd imagined feasting and playing together.
My husband reminds me (daily) to try to shift my thinking from sorrow over what should/could have been, to gratitude for what we still are able to do. (And hope for what the future may bring.) I wonder how this time is giving us something we may not have received in person?

In light of this heavy week filled with such upsetting news, I want to pass on a helpful website: The Conscious Kid offers resources for how to talk to kids about race. I LOVE their library links and ideas for children's books centering marginalized authors and people of color. As with any website/resource, I cannot say with certainty that St. Mary's fully endorses all of the content as I have not read through every link, organization partner, etc., but since I found it helpful as a parent, I wanted to share it with you all. And, I think it is in line with the vision of St. Mary's children's ministry, which I will end with, here:

St. Mary's believes in the dignity and worth of all children as image bearers of God. We hope to help families foster the innate spirituality of each child, to create space for children to come close to God, and to send them into the world as helpers and disciples knowing they are beloved by God. Blessings to you all and happy summer!

